QUESTION:What are the most important considerations for lapping film as we are establishing our process?ANSWER: A lapping film must have the highest lot to lot consistency.When you establish your process there are many factors to control and film might...
Last Updated: August 21, 2019 QUESTION: Why does crystallization happen?ANSWER: Simply put, the liquid resin is fighting to return to its natural state, which is a solid form.Crystallization in epoxies is so common that major manufacturers have written...
QUESTION: Is there a solution for getting LC/PC for return loss more than 60 dB?If it depends on final polishing film, is Ultimas final polishing film suitable?What kind of films will work?Is there a special polishing method?ANSWER: Unfortunately,...
QUESTION:Do you have a lapping film that can remove a larger than normal epoxy bead more effectively than 15um Silicon Carbide?We have a unusual connector that does not have a crimp to secure it to the cable and relies on the epoxy for this.Therefore, we use more...