Fibers that have been designed to meet specific optical properties are used in a variety of applications such as Medical, Spectroscopy, Science, Mil/Aero, Industrial and Telecommunications.
The construction of these specialty fibers varies in types and dimensions of core, cladding and coating and challenges the industry to provide solutions for low and high-volume mix applications.
Processing these fibers, like cutting, splicing and removal of coatings are common processes often related to connectivity. Tapering fiber diameters or increasing fiber diameters using for example capillaries are also common techniques for transitioning to other media.
Last but not least, the ability to shape fiber tips into flat angles, conical or ball lens solutions are techniques to redirect the optical paths are fiber processing examples.
At FOC, we have had customers interested in making short fiber where the coating was removed on a specific section. Some of these coatings are hard to remove, need high temperature or chemicals to remove.Manual operation is difficult if the fibers are short.
We work with 3SAE Technologies who has designed and manufactured a wide range of high performance fiber optic stripping tools for optical fiber coating removal, providing the most advanced line of high strength thermal mechanical strippers, non-contact high strength fiber optic strippers and the industry's only diameter adjustable thermal fiber stripper.
With several patents for fiber optic stripping, such as Burst™ Technology and the Ring of Fire®, 3SAE's state-of-the-art non-contact, chemical free coating removal solutions are ideal for the end stripping and mid-span window stripping of optical fiber coatings such as acrylate, PVC, polyimide, carbon, and gold.
The FOCFactory Fiber Processingstep focuses on industry standard equipment selection supporting many of the above challenges.Please consult one of our technical experts at Fiber Optic Center for further information.
Additional resources from the FOC team include:
- View the Glossary,Acronyms,Military Specifications for Connectors
- Q&A Resource: email technical questions
- Bookmark the Adhesive/Epoxy Page and Contact Info