Does FOC have many customers using ÅngströmLap polishing film or are other brands more prevalent?
Hundreds of fiber optic cable assembly facilities around the world use Fiber Optic Center's ÅngströmLap polishing film, including multipleFortune500 companies.When new customers come to FOC, they often comment that we offer much more than they realized, particularly once they discover we have polishing process technical experts on staff as well as lapping film experts.
We invite you to contact us to learn more about ÅngströmLap lapping film as well as for support and service – whether you're implementing a new polishing process, fine-tuning your process to ensure it produces repeatable results, or looking for help to resolve a polishing issue.
Call: 800) 473-4237 / 508-992-6464 or
READ THE FULL BLOG ARTICLE HERE:Why use ÅngströmLap lapping film over other manufacturers?
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