QUESTION: What is the preform compositional taper using Halide deposition?
There will be variations in the dopant profile from end to end of the preform but these are typically not very different than standard MCVD preforms.With rare earth preforms, dopants are used for multiple reasons!some are for index control and glass stability, while the main purpose of the rare earth is to provide optical gain.All dopants influence the index profile.These will vary with the length of the preform being fabricated.Assuming a 0.5 meter deposition length, rare earth concentration will typically vary by approximately 10%, while the index profiles are very close, only differing by a few percent.A typical 0.1 NA will be in the range of .1 ± .01.
Answered by AskFOC Fiber Process Development and Manufacturing Technical Team, March 4, 2024
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