QUESTION: Do you provide process information for running the Halide system?
Yes, we will provide the process information and instruction required to prepare a batch of anhydrous rare earth chloride, and a typical process recipe for an industry standard Yb doped fiber with equivalent, if not better performance.
Ongoing recipe assistance is a part of Fiber Optic Center's fiber process development consultation services that also include, but is not limited to, post-installation for exacting product specs, rare earth doped fibers process development, proof test equipment and rewind system and fiber measurement.
To connect with a member of the FOC Fiber Process Development and Manufacturing Technical Team OR search a comprehensive database of resources on Rare Earth Doped Optical Fiber Recipes, Fiber Draw, MCVD and Fiber CoatingsVISIT.
Have a fiber process development and manufacturing technical question or consulting needs?
Please emailAskFOC@www.spnnc.comand we will respond ASAP.
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